3 research outputs found


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    The relevance of the study of business process management at manufacturing enterprises is determined by the presence of uncertainty and the existence of risks, in particular, structural risks. The timeliness and value of the abovementioned problem are also determined by the low level of implementation of risk management at enterprises. The provision of mechanisms for increasing the level of risk management is an extremely relevant problem of the modern economy, and the construction of risk optimization models is one of the main in the system of factors that affect the effective operation of the enterprise and the prospects for its development. The purpose of the article is to determine principles of formation and approaches to the construction of an “ideal” organizational structure of a manufacturing enterprise. The application of such principles will allow conducting effective management of a production enterprise. Methodology. Development of economic systems requires from industrial enterprises to develop new approaches to business process management, contributes to the spread of innovation in all spheres of production, forms a new image of structures, and provides their competitiveness in the domestic and world markets. An important area of research is the management of business processes of the enterprise, which will provide conditions for the development and effective operation of production enterprises on the basis of new knowledge, technologies, and effective management. The study was carried out based on the activity of PJSC “Shpolyansky Foodstuffs Plant” for 2014–2018. The practical result of the research conducted is recommendations for the implementation of the risk management system at the manufacturing enterprise, and as a stage – building an “ideal” organizational structure that will allow timely responding to the problems of risk management. Originality. Enterprises combine many business processes that carry out thousands of operations, therefore, it is relevant to develop effective approaches suitable for their detailed description, analysis of the features of operation, optimization, control, diagnosis of problem situations, and the formation of measures for their elimination, management of structural risks. This requires the creation of effective tools for solving these tasks

    Structural shifts in the system of higher education of Ukraine in the realm of the specialists supply for the national economy

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    В статті запропонований інтегральний показник відхилення структури від гармонійної в системі підготовки фахівців з вищою освітою, який побудовано згідно правил «золотого перерізу». Розраховано відхилення даного показника за п’ятисекторною моделлю, яка відповідає структурі ВВП у постіндустріальній економіці. Вибір складових інтегрального показника відхилення структури від гармонійної ґрунтується на об’єктивних статистичних даних та системному дослідженні секторів ВВП за п’ятисекторною моделлю. За запропонованою методикою оцінювання структурних зрушень в секторальній структурі освітнього середовища здійснено розрахунки інтегрального показника відхилення структури від гармонійної за 2010/2011-2018/2019 навчальні роки; здійснено порівняння динаміки інтегрального показника відхилення структури від гармонійної для ВВП України та для системи вищої освіти України. Розрахунок інтегрального показника відхилення структури від гармонійної в динаміці дозволив зробити висновки, що протягом останніх дев’яти років спостерігається тенденція щодо підготовки недостатньої кількості висококваліфікованих фахівців, що забезпечують продукування інтелектуального продукту, виходячи із вимог знаннєвої економіки.The article deals with the integrated harmonious structure deviation indicator in the system of postgraduate training, which is constructed according to the rule of the “golden ratio”. Calculated deviation of the indicator of five-sector model that corresponds to the GDP in the post-industrial economy. Selecting components integrated indicator deviation from the harmonious structure is based on the objective statistics and systematic research of GDP from a five-sector model. According to the proposed method of estimation of structural shifts in the sectoral structure of the educational environment, the integrated harmonious structure deviation indicator for the 2010/11-2018/19 academic years was calculated; the dynamics of the integrated harmonious structure deviation indicator for the GDP of Ukraine and for the higher educational system of Ukraine is compared. The calculation of the integrated harmonious structure deviation indicator in dynamics has led to the conclusion that over the last nine years there has been a tendency to train insufficient number of highly qualified specialists who provide the production of intellectual product, based on the requirements of the knowledge economy

    Assessment of the structural changes of the national economy of Ukraine based on the consistency

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    This article deals with the assessment of the structural changes of the national economy of Ukraine, which proposed to implement by applying the integrated index of structural changes, assessment of the structural changes of the sectoral structure of GDP, at determining the weighting coefficients and construction which uses the “golden ratio” rule. This approach is based on the theoretical completion of the economics as for the progressive development and transformation of society and the economy of the country according to the technological criterion, as well as the sectoral division of the national economy. The choice of components of the integrated index for structural changes is due to the sectoral division of GDP into industry, agriculture and services, and further distribution according to the sectoral structure of the national economy. The proposed integrated index reflects the consistent (ideal) GDP structure inherent in the post-industrial economy, while the deviation of the values in the real structure shows structural changes in the national economy of Ukraine and 28 countries of the European Union. The research justifies the weighting coefficients for the selected sectors of the economy, depending on the technological complexity of the process of producing goods (works, services). The article deals with the results of the calculation of the integrated index of the structural changes in the sectoral structure of GDP and its structural elements, as well as the analysis of the reasons for the deviations of real indicators from the consistent ones. The calculations show the crisis phenomena in both the Ukrainian economy and the EU countries, which are explained by the debt crisis in the EU in 2013 and the release of the UK with the EU. The domestic economy shows significant deviations in virtually all sectors, indicating a low level of economy, a non-conformity between supply and demand in the labor market, a low level of innovation, and the inertia of transformational processes in the transition to the post-industrial stage of production. The application of the proposed methodology will allow us to identify strategic directions for the development of sectors of the national economy and develop projection scenario